Spotlight on EL Education A note from Destin Tonkin, Interium Education Director, for this weeks Spotlight!
What an honor it is to be back at Anser among such talented educators and the Anser community! We have been digging into some hard and meangingful work now that we are back together. Through administration and staff collaboration we have created some strong initivatives that will continue to elevate Anser crews. Our iniatives focus on the EL Education's 3 dimensions of student achievement- Mastery of Knowledge & Skills, High-Quality Student Work and Character.
Just like students have guiding questions within their expeditions, staff also have a guiding question to inform their work! This year our guiding question is: "How do we harness the power of our indivdual and collective strengths to foster connections and growth among staff, students and our community?" Within this question lives specific target objectives and goals.
From a professional development standpoint we are focusing on high quality mentor classes for new staff, bringing Suzanne Gregg, founding Education Director, in as a K-3 EL Instructional Specialist, diving deeper into Math instruction, adding supports and structure to our Exceptional Child Services team, and having a data consultant lead our staff through data analysis and interventions in order to better understand students academic needs!
In crews we are focusing on building character and instilling the meaning of CREW! Character traits are intentionally taught by crew leaders in their classrooms using new guidelines for behavoir within the Discipline with Dignity framework, the support of our new Behavior Intervention Specialist, and improving attendance in order for our kids to learn these valuable skills and traits!
While we have some hard work on the horizon we know that our students and staff will embrace and reach these high expectations, working together to make improvements in all 3 dimensions of EL Education. I am personally exciting for the work and will be Anser's biggest cheerleader as we continue to move forward!
As I said to the staff at our Fall Launch- WE are the RIGHT people, doing the RIGHT WORK, and now is the RIGHT TIME! We are crew!